Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ain't No Martha Stewart

As you can see from my previous posts that my main complaint in my relationship is my sex life or rather the lack there of. But this is by far not the only complaint I have. I have to note that if the sex was there most other things could be over looked but if the sex isn’t there supporting the relationship then all the other “little things” become huge.

One small thing that is turning out not to be such a small thing is her cooking. She’s OK I guess, but just OK, she ain’t no Martha Stewart. The problem is is that she doesn’t cook with feeling. She cooks with recipes. Yeah I know what you’re thinking you are so picky, but like I said earlier if she was servin it up right in the bedroom I wouldn’t care so much about what she was servin up in the kitchen.

I can't count the number of times she's made tacos. She says she makes them because she likes them so much but I think she makes them because they are easy. Just fry up some meat add the spice and you're done. When she's in doubt we eat tacos!!! Man I Hate My Wife!!!

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