Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Hate My Wife

Yeah I said it, and I'm not afraid to admit it to anyone (except her) that I hate my wife. There are so many reasons going around in my head that I hate her so the logical thing for me to do is to write them down. It makes me feel better! If you have any I hate my wife stories please feel free to write them in. Here is my private e-mail ihatemywifeanonymous@yahoo.com
please feel free to write in your stories. Everything will be posted anonymous!!

1 comment:

  1. Why do you hate your wife so as you do?...
    What is it exactly that she's doing so very wrong that causes you to want to put yourself across to others as if you completely loathe her?
    How long have you been married and how many children do you have? Focus here for a moment and realize that I'm asking you how long and how many...I don't want to know how many she has because I have this gut feeling that you "Mr. Poor Me-I hate my Wife"..,your # of offspring far surpasses your wife's am I correct? Imagine that!
    Seriously-what's she doing so wrong? What? She expects you to act like a man not a child? or a actual husband and dad?? maybe she expects you to respect her and how your blatant disregard of her feelings and what your doing to her in your juvenile stupidity??? oh dear god in heaven...please tell me your not a pathetic momma's boy??? Ughh...puke! You're a little bitch use to getting your way and mommy covering your ass aren't you?! Grow the hell up-I realize some women are just bitches-but not all and one must consider their own bullshit they place into their wives lives...
    don't disrespect your wife just because you don't want to grow up, be faithful, take responsibility, or be what you promised to be! No amount of wife bashing is going to cause others to take your side over hers when the truth eventually surfaces and it will-I can put money on that one. Don't destroy her life just because you don't want to or can't keep your dick in your pants-how's that her fault other than maybe the fact you blame her because you know you are wrong and want her to look, appear, and feel as worthless as you truly do-am I close ? I know you won't admit it but I bet you and I know that I am correct! My husband spent years doing that shit to me-I would have died for him, I did without just so he could have $2000 guns-boats-motorcycles(2)-4whlr- 2 new trucks while mine was falling apart, I took care of our 3 daughters plus his 2 oldest-I never complained I loved him pathetically...I carried his burden when his ex kept us in court depriving my girls more and more as she hungered for more money - I went to court in his place, everything I have ever done I did with him in mind-if I could make life easier I would find a way to and it was his happiness not my own that mattered to me-although that wasn't what he led others to believe...he caused his mom to hate me so much that after 14 yrs of marriage she paid someone to try to cause me to appear as if I were doing something I shouldn't have been nor would I have ever done to my everything...his selfish lies and her thoughtless actions ended with me being raped! A whining, bitching, self-centered attitude just like the one you are displaying destroyed my life and for what? Because I wanted my husband to love me back as I had always him? Wake up jerkoff before you cost yours her life!
